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Christian Riisgaard

Head chef at ISS HQ

Chef Innovator Christian

TEMPTY on the menu!

Christian is ambitious chef who has been working with ISS for the past 11 years.

TEMPTY meal served by ISS

Roasted TEMPTY

Fried carrots

Lightly pickled green kale


Carrot purré

Christian's key
sustainability initiatives


Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from food by 25% by 2030

Image by Acton Crawford


Working with TEMPTY

to reduce meat

TEMPTY meal served by ISS


Measuring food waste in the canteen

Image by Sri Lanka


Incorporating ingredients with a circular approach

Mushrooms Close-Up

"It doesn't have to be
scary just because it's vegan it
can be
absolutely delicious"

“I love the “plug and play” TEMPTY provides. If we want more people on the green agenda we need to make it easy for people.”

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